v-date-picker supports all props, events and slots that are supported by v-calendar in addition to those listed below.



Type: String

Description: Selection mode: "single", "multiple", "range"

Default Value: "single"


Type: Date, Array[Date], Object

Description: Selected date, dates or date range.

Default Value: null


Type: Boolean

Description: Prevents the user from clearing the selected value.

Default Value: false

Setting value = null still allowed through code.


Type: Boolean

Description: Displays calendar inline instead of as a popover.

Default Value: false


Type: Date

Description: Minimum date selectable by the user.

Default Value: undefined


Type: Date

Description: Maximum date selectable by the user.

Default Value: undefined


Type: Array, Date, Object

Description: Dates or date range objects that are not allowed for selection.

Default Value: undefined


Type: Array, Date, Object

Description: Dates or date range objects that are available for selection. All other dates are disabled.

Default Value: undefined


Type: Object

Description: Props to apply to the input DOM element. Not applicable when is-inline === true.

Default Value: Reference code


Type: Boolean

Description: Update the picker value after every input event. Otherwise, value is just updated on change event.

Default Value: true


Type: Number

Description: If update-on-input is enabled, the duration in milliseconds at which the input event is debounced before updating the date value.

Default Value: 1000


Type: Object

Description: Attribute to use for the dragged selection in "range" mode. The dates property is ignored.

Default Value: Reference code


Type: Object

Description: Attribute to use for the value selection in all modes. The dates property is ignored.

Default Value: Reference code


Type: Object

Description: Properties of the popover to apply for the calendar component. Not applicable when is-inline === true.

Default Value: Reference code

Property Type Description
keepVisibleOnInput Boolean Keep the popover visible after a date is selected, until the visibility determines.
placement String Default or suggested placement of the popover. This may change as the browser window dimensions change.
visibility String Visibility state for the input/slot popover ("focus", "hover", "visible", "hidden")



Description: New date was selected.

Params: value: Date, Array[Date], Object


Description: Dragged selection was updated. Only valid when mode === "range"

Params: range: Object

Scoped Slots


Description: Default slot to use as the popover anchor for v-date-picker. [1] Not applicable to inline date pickers.

Props: inputValue: String, updateValue: Function

Reference this example of using a custom slot.