

Type: Number

Description: Number of calendar rows to display.

Default: 1


Type: Number

Description: Number of calendar columns to display.

Default: 1


Type: String

Description: Position of the header title ("left", "center", "right").

Default: "center"

Type: String

Description: Visibility state for calendar navigation panel ("focus", "hover", "visible", "hidden")

Default: undefined Resolved by defaults if not specified


Type: Boolean

Description: Expands calendar to fill the full width of its container.

Default: false


Type: String

Description: Transition type for calendar panes when navigating to a new page ("slide-h": Horizontal slide, "slide-v": Vertical slide, "fade", "none").

Default: undefined Resolved by defaults if not specified


Type: Number

Description: Number of months to step when navigating forwards and backwards.

Default: 0 Resolves to n if not provided, where n = rows * columns.


Type: Object

Description: The page for the first calendar pane located at row 0 and column 0. Use the .sync modifier for two-way binding.

Default: undefined Resolves to current month if not provided.

Use the .sync modifier for two-way binding.


Type: Date

Description: Date used to compute from-page.

Default: undefined

The .sync modifier does not work with this prop, unlike from-page.


Type: Object

Description: Page for the last calendar pane located at row n and column n, where n is the max dimension.

Default: undefined Resolves to n month if not provided, where n = rows * columns.

*Resolves to n month if not provided, where n = rows * columns.

Use the .sync modifier for two-way binding.

To avoid erratic navigation behavior, do not try to assign both from-page and to-page at the same time (just pick one).


Type: Date

Description: Date used to compute to-page.

Default: undefined

The .sync modifier does not work with this prop, unlike to-page.


Type: Object

Description: Earliest page (month, year) that the user can navigate to.

Default: undefined


Type: Date

Description: Date used to compute min-page.

Default: undefined


Type: Object

Description: Latest page (month, year) that the user can navigate to.

Default: undefined


Type: Date

Description: Date used to compute max-page.

Default: undefined


Type: Array[Object]

Description: List of attributes to display in the calendar.

Default: []


Type: Object

Description: Masks to use when display and parsing dates for various calendar sections.

Default: undefined Resolved by defaults if not specified


Type: String

Description: Shortcut for specifying the theme color.

Default: undefined Resolved by theme if not specified


Type: Boolean

Description: Shortcut for activating theme dark mode.

Default: undefed Resolved by theme if not specified


Type: Object

Description: Theme settings used to customize the tint color, dark mode and classes for various calendar sections.

Default: undefined Resolved by defaults if not completely specified


Type: Number

Description: Day number for the first day of the week (1: Sun - 7: Sat). Ignore setting this prop if you want to allow the locale to determine this setting.

Default: undefined Resolved by locale if not specified


Type: String, Object

Description: The locale identifier or locale configuration to use for displaying the calendar.

Default: undefined Resolved by defaults or detected locale if not completely specified


Type: Boolean

Description: Disables swipe detection for navigating forwards and backwards.

Default: undefined



Description: Calendar left/single pane moved to a different page.

Params: page


Description: Calendar right pane moved to a different page.

Params: page


Description: Forwarded from the mouseclick event for the day content element.

Params: day


Description: Forwarded from the mouseenter event for the day content element.

Params: day


Description: Forwarded from the mouseover event for the day content element.

Params: day


Description: Forwarded from the mouseleave event for the day content element.

Params: day


To call methods on a component, assign a ref and call the method any time on or after the mounted lifecycle hook.

<v-calendar ref="calendar' />
mounted() {
  this.$refs.calendar.showPageRange({ from: new Date(0, 1, 2020), to: new Date(0, 31, 2020) });

showPageRange({ from, to })

Description: Navigates to the calendar page(s) that best displays a given date range.

Scoped Slots

Description: Calendar header. Use slots below for specific header sections.

Props: page props


Description: Calendar header title. This slot is animated if title-transition is assigned.

Props: page props


Description: Calendar header button on the left side.

Props: page props


Description: Calendar header button on the right side.

Props: page props


Description: Calendar day content cell.


Props Type Description
day Day Object Day object.
dayEvents Object Events that should get mapped to your custom content DOM element.
attributes Array List of ordered attributes for the day.
attributesMap Object Object map of the attributes using their designated key.


Description: Custom popover content for attributes.


Props Type Description
day Day Object Day object.
attributes Array List of ordered attributes with an assigned popover for the day.
masks Object Resolved locale masks
format Function Call to format a custom date and mask
dayTitle String Pre-formatted string using the dayPopover mask
updateLayout Function Call to forcefully update the popover layout (such as when content changes are made)
hide Function Call to forcefully hide the popover